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Accumulation Time Has Come For Axcelis Technologies (ACLS)

The company, Axcelis Technologies (ACLS), sells modern machines in high demand in light of the rapidly expanding semiconductor market.

Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) finished the last trading day at $49.32, gaining 3.61%. During the period between $47.65 and $50.2093, the ACLS stock’s share price ranged between $47.50 and $50.2093. There were 0.88 million shares traded, which exceeded the 0.39 million stocks traded on average over the past 100 days. During the last five days, ACLS shares have increased by 25.85%, and in the previous month by 37.84%.  More specifically, its current price to book ratio is 3.44, and its price to earnings ratio is 33.67. The price to cash flow ratio was also 23.08.

Several Purion VXE production systems from Axcelis’ flagship product line were sold by the ACLS stock last week, which continued the positive outlook. Customers included the leading producers of image sensors. The shipment took place in the second quarter.

Purion VXE is a device that allows atoms to be deposited onto semiconductor surfaces. Purion VXE has advantages in terms of power and purity applied to the material. You can choose from different accelerator powers and materials with Purion VXE. The Purion XE Power is designed to implant aluminum into silicon wafers 150-200 mm thick.

Systems with Purion XE can be used to manufacture video cameras, as image sensors need to be implanted at high power levels to work. Manufacturers are launching several new sensor lines in tandem with the expansion of large-scale promising IoT networks. The top segment of IoT implantation devices is dominated by e-cigarettes, extremely complex devices under the IoT umbrella. Economies of scale cause manufacturers to target narrow market niches, offering specialized equipment in steady demand.

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