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Wilhelmina International, Inc. (WHLM) Stock Price Skyrocket Despite Pandemic

As of April 15th, 2021, Wilhelmina International, Inc. (WHLM) stock prices are up an astounding 52.52% to hit USD$12.69. This is despite an absence of any recent stock news regarding a change in fundamentals or upcoming projects.

WHLM in a Sticky Spot

Quite the contrary, the modeling and talent agency was scraping by over the last month after having felt the impact of the pandemic for so long. The demand for models has understandably gone down with global government mandated lockdowns and existing Wilhelmina talent find themselves displaced around the world for the same reason.

Plummeting WHLM Stock Prices

WHLM stock prices were suffering as the company found itself having minimal free cash flow and burgeoning debt. With so much volatility in such a precarious position as WHLM found itself in, the threat of bankruptcy was looming.

The 11th Hour Samaritan

Until that is, a single venture capital firm, Retail Ecommerce Ventures, LLC, bought up 950,00 WHLM shares, equaling an 18.45 stake in the company in the beginning of April. The news started a steep upswing in WHLM stock prices, with the first leap seeing the stock climb a massive 40%.

What is Retail Ecommerce Ventures

Retail Ecommerce Ventures is headed by Tai Lopez and Alex Mehr, who are responsible for the return of companies like Radioshack and Pier 1 from the brink of total collapse. With a large social media following, this move has created a snowball effect, as indicated by the increase in average daily trade volumes of the stock from 11,000 shares to more than 14 million.

What does the Future Hold for WHLM?

This news in conjunction with the gradual easing of the government mandated lockdown restrictions, and the rolling out of Covid vaccines could be the breath of life that WHLM so desperately needed. How WHLM capitalizes on these fortuitous turn-of-events could determine what unprecedented heights the company could soar to.

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