AIkido Pharma Inc. (NASDAQ: AIKI) stock gained by 3.71% at the last close whereas the AIKI stock price decline by 2.21% in the pre-market trading session. AIkido Pharma is a biotechnology company founded in 1967, has a diversified range of small-molecule anticancer and antiviral therapies. The Company’s framework is designed on patented technology from top universities and scientists, and they’re currently working on an innovative therapeutic drug platform in collaboration with world-class educational institutions such as The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Maryland at Baltimore.
AIKI stock’ Recent Development
AIkido Pharma Inc. presented an update on its important patent application progress into numerous major non-US nations throughout the world. The Firm will now strive for patent protection on the licenced drug formulation in China, India, and the European Patent Office, alongside all other participating countries identified, which contains all 27 EU member nations plus 11 non-EU countries, for the pancreatic cancer drug licenced from The University of Texas at Austin, for which the Company is currently seeking patent protection in the US.
The Company filed an ongoing patent application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in link with one of the two patent families relating to antiviral treatments licenced from the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), which will enable the Firm to seek patent protection simultaneously in a variety of worldwide member countries. In the case of the other patent family, the Company submitted a request with the European Patent Office to extend protection to all member nations.
Anthony Hayes, CEO of AIkido, commented that,
The core of drug asset ownership is obtaining robust patent protection, which is critical to gaining possible future market share in important nations throughout the world. They will continue to strive to broaden the territorial patent coverage on their licenced assets at the right periods and when it makes sense economically.