PFGC’s short interest shows a sharp rise on Mar 15, 2024

Investors can speculate about the future of a stock by watching how its insiders buy and sell stocks. Performance Food Group Company shares valued at $59,936 were sold by SINGER DAVID V on Nov 20 ’23. At $62.76 per share, SINGER DAVID V sold 955 shares. The insider’s holdings dropped to 9,417 shares worth approximately […]

Performance Food Group Company (PFGC) receives an Overweight rating from Piper Sandler

ZOM Stock

Performance Food Group Company’s recently made public that its Director SINGER DAVID V unloaded Company’s shares for reported $59936.0 on Nov 20 ’23. In the deal valued at $62.76 per share,955 shares were sold. As a result of this transaction, SINGER DAVID V now holds 9,417 shares worth roughly $0.7 million. Then, Hagerty Patrick T. […]

Director, SINGER DAVID V sold 955 shares of Performance Food Group Company [PFGC]


Performance Food Group Company’s recent filing unveils that its Director SINGER DAVID V unloaded Company’s shares for reported $59936.0 on Nov 20 ’23. In the deal valued at $62.76 per share,955 shares were sold. As a result of this transaction, SINGER DAVID V now holds 9,417 shares worth roughly $0.71 million. Then, Hagerty Patrick T. […]